Ashasana is an inclusive yoga practice that welcomes everyone except bigots. In these spaces I will work very hard to make sure your identity is respected and validated. I will respect your lived experiences. I trust that you know your limits and respect your boundaries.
Yoga offers a path to spiritual liberation that anyone can complete, in spite of caste, race, gender identity, sexuality, wealth, or social status. Ashasana holds to that subversive tradition. Freedom cannot be monopolized.
The principle of non-harm (AHIMSA) calls yoga practitioners to act against actions or systems that hurt creatures and cause suffering. Non-theft (ASTEYA) and non-possesiveness (APARIGRAHA) are values that are directly anti-colonial. Authenticity (SATYA) calls us to acknowledge the wrongs done in the past that benefit us now. Self-study (SADHYAYA) leads us to learn from them. Just as the value of contentment (SANTOSHA) leads yoga practitioners to seek a perpetual state of loving bliss, it should move us to create the circumstances where all of our fellow humans can do the same.
On the Ashasana discord server you can ask questions about the 'sticking points' you're experiencing in your movement or mindfulness practice. The help you'll get working your way through them will come from indigenous yoga philosophy and texts, not new age woo and toxic positivity. You can talk about your struggles without being gaslit or told 'it's all in your head'.
The Ashasana discord server is also a place where you can learn to be better. Whether it's educating yourself about being culturally respectful in your yoga practice, cultivating the habit of being an ally, or sincerely working on your own prejudices. Does it surprise you to know those are part of a traditional yoga practice? Learn the tools and methods you can use to make progress. Being a better human is a process, and we're here for every step.
I am a white, queer, non-binary transperson who identifies as pangender, bisexual, and polyam. I am a practicing Hindu who lives in praise of Maa Kali. I am a survivor of sexual assault and abuse. I have several mental health diagnoses, chronic health issues, and past injuries. My body proportions are outside the norm. I am not physically fit and have never been athletic. That's the kind of stuff I mean when I say 'yoga for real people with real bodies.'